Rhonda Kinnison
Phone 816-776-4500
Email – r.kinnison@recorder.raycountymo.gov

Jeanna Jackson
Deputy Recorder

Katlyn Green

We are now online. To view our online services go to raymo.icounty.com.
Our land records go back to 1820 and we are in digital form back to May of 1963. Prior to 1963 items are in books in our office. To obtain a copy of the document, you can come into our office or contact us by phone or email. Copies are $1 per page. If emailed it’s an additional $2.00 plus a dollar per page.
Duties of Recorder of Deeds
Recording land instruments, including deeds of trust, affidavits, releases, power of attorneys, plats and surveys, military discharge records (DD214) and others. Recording can be done in person in our office or by mail and if sending by mail send a self-addressed stamped envelope to be mailed back, E-Recording is now available with icounty 816-295-1540.
Marriage licenses
Both parties must appear with photo ID for application process. Cost is $51 either in cash or debit/credit card. No checks. If you have been married before know month and year of divorce.
For a Real ID here is what you will need
You will need a certified copy of your marriage certificate (all of them if you have been married more than once).
You can obtain a certified copy of your marriage certificate from the RECORDER OF DEEDS OFFICE in the county where you APPLIED FOR Marriage License.
We accept checks, cash, and debit/credit cards for recordings and copies.
Recording Documents: $24 First page
$3 Each additional page thereafter
Plat (18″x24″): $44 First page
$25 Each additional page thereafter
Plat (24″x36″): $69 First page
$25 Each additional page thereafter
Surveys (18″x24″): $24 First page
$5 Each additional page thereafter
Surveys (24″x36″): $29 First page
$5 Each additional page thereafter
Copy of plat or survey: $5
Copy of deed: $1 Per page
Certification: $1 Per document
Marriage License: $51
Certified copy of Marriage License: $9